Friday, November 11, 2022

Educational Blogging

Blogging is an opportunity to exchange our point of view with the rest of the world and not just people in our immediate environment. It allows students to have their own perspectives and share those perspectives educationally. Educational blogging has so many benefits. One benefit is it allows someone to own their content. Their content is displayed on their blog with their voice being heard. Another reason is that blogging can cover all subject areas and inspires creativity. No one is limited to just one subject in their blogs, and that allows for creativity to flourish.  One more reason is it allows for reflection. Blogging is a great way to incorporate regular reflection into the classroom. 

This is someone creating their own blog. 

After reading other posts from fellow classmates, I was able to gain knowledge on the point of music in education, teacher salaries, and special education. I learned that music in education allows self-expression to flourish. Having music in schools allows students to be creative, and become more critical of themselves, and it teaches discipline, teamwork, and collaboration. When reading about teachers' salaries, I learned that teacher pay penalties and wage penalties have increased over time and there is a larger wage gap for men in the teaching profession. After reading this blog, I agree with the writer when she expresses that she believes educators are not compensated enough for the work that they do. I really enjoyed reading about special education. The importance of special education comes from the fact that all disabilities are unique so all children will need different support to be successful in school. Special education teachers have the tools and abilities to assess children who might have an unfounded disability, and they are constantly in meetings with parents and fellow educators. 

Blogging has so many educational benefits, and I plan to use blogging in my classroom. I believe blogging will help my students gain their own opinion and find their voice. The creativity that comes with blogging is also very important. Not only will my students be researching different topics, but they will also be forming their own perspectives. I don't have a ton of experience with personal blogging, but this semester I have been given the opportunity to form my new blog. Forming my new blog helps me see the importance of it and how my students can maximize success through blogging. 

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Educational Blogging

Blogging is an opportunity to exchange our point of view with the rest of the world and not just people in our immediate environment. It al...