Thursday, September 29, 2022

Flipped Classroom

 The flipped classroom is a newer and more popular instructional model, in which activities that are usually conducted in the classroom become home activities, and activities normally including homework become classroom activities. In the flipped classroom, the students become more responsible for the learning process and learning pace while the teacher helps the students rather than delivering information to them. In this model, students may be more satisfied with the flipped method, and student learning achievement and satisfaction can also increase. The flipped classroom is centered around students, and student-centered learning theories, like active learning and collaborative learning, can be fully utilized in a flipped classroom. This model has also been noticed because of its inclusion of improved technologies. 

This is a student preparing for their classes
before they begin. 

I had never heard of the flipped classroom method until I came to college. One semester, most of my classes were considered flipped classrooms. I enjoyed this because I felt like I was more prepared for the activities done in class and my homework. I would have to complete readings on the topics going to be covered in class, so going into class, I already felt like I had some knowledge of the content being covered. I also enjoyed it because I felt like it prepared me by giving me more responsibility. I wanted to be a teacher, so it was nice to prepare before my classes to allow me to have more success during the specified class time. I also do believe that it maximized my engagement with the course materials. I was able to gather my own knowledge before hearing what my professors had to say. Coming into class, I already had some knowledge, and my professors simply added more to my knowledge of the content. Flipped classrooms were something I had to get used to, but I truly did enjoy the methods of a flipped classroom. 

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