Thursday, September 22, 2022

Parental Involvement

Parental involvement is a situation where parents are directly involved in different ways in their children's education. It also refers to how the parents can involve themselves and are involved by the school and teachers in the learning process of their children. Parents can also be involved by ensuring their learner is assisted in learning as much as they need. Parental involvement is more than just updating parents on their child's learning process, but also having the parents communicate with their child/children to have a healthy relationship with them. Parental involvement is extremely important in schools because that can encourage students so much in a genuine way. Having parental support can result in an inspiring, genuine process of mentoring and leading. It is also known that parental involvement can help improve student performance and restore parents' confidence in their children's education.
Parents helping their children with homework

I grew up in schools with many opportunities for parental involvement. My mother was a part of the PTA, Parent Teacher Association, and that allowed her to have a voice in my education. It also allowed her to be at my school throughout the day on different days. My parents' encouragement and involvement were so beneficial for me. They were always aware of events at my school or my school work. Having my parents involved in my education truly helped boost my success in my education. I believe that having parental involvement can really help motivate students to do better, and I also think it can help take some pressure off of some students. Most parents and/or guardians have been through school, so they have the knowledge to be able to support and encourage their children throughout their education. I believe parental involvement is crucial for a student's success, and I will do everything in my power to correctly involve parents in my future student's education.

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